by John G. Blumberg | Mar 3, 2022 | The Front Porch |
Editor’s note: When I started “The Porch” twenty years ago, and as I have written each one of the over 240 issues since, I have pictured two of us sitting on the same porch in changing conditions – simply pondering the issues of business and life. There have only been...
by John G. Blumberg | Feb 3, 2022 | The Front Porch |
It was one of those kinds of events that you remember exactly where you were. It wasn’t some jolting national or international tragic event. In those cases, the event and your location are different. In this case, they were the same place – at my small desk in the 2nd...
by John G. Blumberg | Jul 1, 2021 | The Front Porch |
As you pull-up a swing on “the porch” this month, I’m inclined to warn you this reflection on the conundrum of growth may seem somewhat vague. And it may seem to wander a bit. Not by design, but perhaps by necessity. I would also propose there may have never been a...
by John G. Blumberg | Jun 3, 2021 | The Front Porch |
I’m always drawn to those amaryllis bulbs that they rollout as big “End Cap” displays around the Christmas season. You know, the ones containing the bulb, a simple plastic planter and a tiny bag of potting soil — packed in a nice little box with the picture of...
by John G. Blumberg | Oct 3, 2019 | The Front Porch |
I’ve never been one to read “the end” of a book first. I’m much more wired to start at the very beginning – as they sing, it’s a very good place to start. This makes me a very unlikely candidate to write a book where it might make sense to read the end first. Yet,...
by John G. Blumberg | Jun 6, 2019 | The Front Porch |
Sometimes a simple comment from an unsuspecting source in an unplanned location reveals an eye-opening reminder. The combination of all three may be what makes it immediately apparent and so memorable. I was recently at one of my favorite regular destinations, The...