
Although it was two decades ago, I can feel and picture standing within the courtyard of the Cathedral in Prague as if it were yesterday. The stunning site overwhelms you with its majestic external structure, yet ultimately lures you into its inner beauty. The tour guide’s words still ring in my ears: “The structure you stand before, took over 400 years to build. What that means is that generation after generation of dedicated workers never got to see the completion of their project.”

Yet the project was completed because each had finished their work.

As I stood there, it was a humbling realization echoing the reality of today’s world of speed and the need for immediate satisfaction. It shined an ironic light on a market where short-term addictions so often supersede long-term possibilities.

When the finish line isn’t an individual’s destination, amazing things can be realized repeatedly. Brick-by-brick, progress is seen and satisfaction is thus experienced every step of the way. The completed project, in all its beauty, ultimately stands as an amazing symbol of every soul who made it possible.

Closing your eyes and imagining such, brings to life the collective beauty of those long gone.

And it begs a paradoxical question: If the completion of your work is defined by the finish line … is your project really big enough?

What are you working on … or dreaming about … that simply can’t be finished in your lifetime? Please share your thoughts below!