When is enough, enough?
It was a powerful question tucked into the bottom right corner on the cover of a Fast Company magazine back in the era of ever-increasing abundance of the late 1990’s. It’s a question relevant for any season … for any day. Defined limits are the essence of core values and the paradoxical nature of their endless potential.
Where do you think defining “enough” might strengthen and/or reflect the depth of core values? Share your idea below!
If we can believe and understand that each day we have enough for that day, then the lure of more, such as ‘bucket lists’, will not consume us. We will be free to enjoy what we have whether it’s on the bucket list or not
Vince … Great thought. I will second that one. Starting today.
I think that my values help to define my boundaries and my boundaries help me to know when enough is enough for me. I think boundaries can be categorized into personal boundaries, interpersonal boundaries, professional boundaries, and probably many other categories. Whatever the organization—values drive behavior and boundaries provide behavioral limits.
Great thoughts Jack! I have always related to Jerry Porras’ comment from “Built to Last” … values are the curbs on the street of an organization. Thanks for sharing!
Sometimes being aware of what’s enough helps keep my perfection gremlin at bay and grounds me more deeply in presence.
Mary Jo … perfect example (pun intended!) of something that we can think of as a strength that limitless becomes a weakness. The was narrative in the book, “Management of the Absurd” that inspired my thinking that a weakness can always be traced to a strength overplayed! Seems like that could easily take us to regret of the past or worry of the future. I would always prefer your deeper grounding in presence which is only in the present. Grateful for your thoughts!