I have never been a big fan of April Fool’s Day for one simple reason. Yep, you guessed it. I most always seem to forget and fall for the foolishness! This year was no exception. I have some friends that live for their intentional annual creative misdirects. And then there are those who create them each and every day. Knowingly – or unknowingly.
With a quick click to the dictionary, one would find that a “fool” is a person who lacks judgment or sense. While that may be true, it might raise the question as to what causes that “lack” to exist. I think a more complete definition would proclaim that a fool simply lacks awareness. That, in fact, could be applicable to the one making the fool – as well as the one being a fool.
In so many ways, they are one in the same.
Awareness has the potential to unleash everything. Yet, we must first be willing to unleash awareness. I would suggest that this unleashing is both a decision and a process. It is a metaphorical combination of both letting go and of opening our eyes. You will find that in doing both, that one will serve the other.
During the first of my eventual three retinal detachments, I realized it’s amazing what you will see when you are forced to keep your eyes closed for several days in a row. I realize that awareness and metaphors can sound vague and soft in a “get-it-done-now” kind of world. At the same time, one could wonder if a “get-it-done-now” kind of world can lead to a lot of foolishness and eventually a world of fools.
In most any arena, great disruptions aren’t inspired by those who are speeding to get it all done. These disruptions are created by those who step back from all the chaos to unleash a creation born from their sense of awareness. Those who think awareness is complete foolishness in the world of business, are often the fools who are eventually left behind.
At some level, we are all fools. Stupid in our areas of unawareness – and ironically found most often in the areas where we feel most certain. I find that in my own work every day.
Paradoxically, awareness is found through the gift of uncertainty.
Uncertainty opens the door to wonder — and wonder diminishes the resistance, we unknowing hold, to awareness.
I was recently listening to an audio book by one of my favorites, Jim Finley. He was sharing a conversation he was having with Sister Macrina Wiederkehr (author of A Tree Full of Angels) about certainty. From their dialogue, Jim shared three wonderful insights from Macrina:
- The things that I used to be certain of, I’m no longer certain of.
- The things I used to be certain of, that I’m still certain of, I am no longer certain of — in the way I used to be certain of them
- And, although I can’t be certain, I can be fairly certain that this is not going to stop.
Ironically, in a foolish world, the ones who experience the most awareness — are the ones who are most likely to be called the fools. It appears the world we live in has a way of playing its own April Fools’ joke on the unaware.
What “certainty” have you held, from which you have experienced a freedom in letting go? What foolish “certainty” may you still be grasping?
As always, I’d love for you to share your thoughts below!
Actually, in medieval times, the fool was the one who through humor could tell the king the truth.
Thanks John for your insights about sight
Eileen … that is a fun insight. We could use a little humor these days in telling the truth!! I hope you are doing great.
Two things from your most recent “The Back Porch”. First I had a retinal detachment about two years ago, so I know the frustration and fear of not being able to see out of one or two eye(s).
Second, I know this is not a certainty I want to give up, but I am certain that God sent His one and only Son to this world to die for our sins and rose three days later. I also believe that if you confess this truth you will not perish, but will have eternal life.
Christ is Risen Today!
Gary … I hope you are doing well. Thanks for sharing … that certainty will make for a nice Easter for you!! 🙂 Wishing you bright spring days ahead!