John and Cindy’s Holiday Page

The tradition of Christmas cards has evolved through the years. We can remember our moms sitting at the dining room table simply hand-signing boxes of Hallmark cards. The early stages of home technology introduced dot-matrix printers and the concept of a family Christmas letter (some of them more like novels!). The photo cards came along to bring images and shorter updates. Those updates for many were eventually a repetition of what everyone already knew from Facebook posts or the social media sharings with one’s connections.

No doubt, as we celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary this year, our annual cards, letters, and photo cards have been filled with joy, sorrow, transitions, varied seasons and certainly some surprises along the way — as have the hundreds of cards we’ve received and lovingly taped to our walls to gaze upon throughout the Holiday Season. Last year, we decided to take a sabbatical from sending cards and that sabbatical inspired us to realize that the time has come for us to let go of a tradition we have so loved. You received our final card, but not our final wish. In fact, you will forever be on our final list … a list we have preserved in a special book … a book we will revisit every Christmas Season, name by name, thinking of you and sending our Christmas wishes.

See all of our contact information below.  We hope you will stay connected in new ways — at the Holidays and everyday –as we plan to do the same. In the meantime, wishing you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of Holidays – this year and all the years to come!

Cindy's Contact Information


John’s Holiday “Whisper of Integrity”

During the pandemic, John started posting what would become his “Whispers of Integrity.” You can catch them each weekday on any of his social media platforms. On December 8th he posted Whisper #900. Each are a graphic image with a simple message for reflection. Below is a special Holiday Video version of a Whisper of Integrity. We hope you enjoy. May your Holidays be filled with much presence and many presents!



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