The Integrity Experience

The Integrity Experience

The Integrity Experience is a select quorum of the leader-at-the-top from five to seven organizations gathered to prepare to lead a revival of the heart and soul of integrity within their own organization – starting with themselves.

Leaders, especially the one at the top of an organization, start their day with a nagging suspicion that beyond the demand of short-term results, they are responsible for something deeper. For those who search for the answer, many are left unsatisfied with fad-of-the-day solutions that litter their bookshelves and the screens of their electronic devices. Fads cannot erase the fear that something has been missed – something critical that could change everything.

The Integrity Experience is one step on a journey to help leaders discover their greatest tool is not a strategy – it is a core way of living whole, entire and undiminished.  Integrated individually and then collectively.

The reward is an internal personal accountability that delivers an external enhanced performance —  organizationally expressed through natural alignment, authentic engagement and genuine service.

The Integrity Experience doesn’t make it easier. It makes it possible.

Application to Attend

The application process begins with a direct one-on-one conversation with John G. Blumberg, author of Return On Integrity and facilitator of The Integrity Experience.  Once accepted, each leader commits to arrive ready to make the most of the 2 ½ day experience together. There are three elements to that commitment:

  1. Read and digest the book, Return On Integrity in its entirety.
  2. Thoughtfully discern seven foundational questions.
  3. Conceive three insightful inquiries stimulated by the book and these seven questions.

Integrity begins with preparation. And the value of The Integrity Experience is exponentially enhanced because of it.

Logistics and Next Steps

The Integrity Experience begins Day One at 3pm (CT) and concludes at 12-noon (CT) on Day Three. Each session is held in a comfortable nature setting such as the beautiful Morton Arboretum in the Chicagoland area.  All participants (those local and from out of the area) are requested to stay in single occupancy hotel rooms located nearby.

Call 630-357-7897 for session dates for 2019

To learn more and consider application for one of the limited seats, please arrange for a one-on-one phone conversation with John.  Simply take a moment to CLICK HERE to complete your request.

Other Options for The Integrity Experience

Every leader’s situation is unique. And while attending The Integrity Experience allows each leader to address their own situation in a unique way, we also realize that sometimes immediate needs and extenuating circumstances require a more customized approach.

These customized experiences might include a one-on-one experience for the leader-at-the-top, a board experience or a leadership team experience. To learn more about these customized options of The Integrity Experience solely for you and your organization, please CLICK HERE to arrange for a one-on-one phone conversation with John.

