You might notice The Front Porch has a fresh new look. You might say we have been doing a little painting on the front porch!
While it looks quite different, there are some things that remain the same. Like the dependable distribution on the last Thursday of the month … just in time to bring a fresh perspective as you enter your new month ahead. As before, it’s just one main feature simply designed to stir your thinking … and sometimes your heart and soul. That’s all I ever wanted The Front Porch to be from the very first issue over 11 years ago. That remains. Now, more than ever.
But there will be some things quite different too.
A single column brings a single focus. We hope this puts a stronger accent on the purpose of “The Porch” … to bring focus rather than competing distractions. Porches are places to ponder. To think. To bring clarity. Clutter doesn’t help. So we have removed the clutter.
At the same time, we have made it a priority to fully integrate The Front Porch into my blog and website. Those too have been refreshed. But it’s more than a fresh coat of paint.
It’s about bringing clarity along the journey of building value with core values. It’s about an invitation to any and every leader to begin the journey.
A journey evolves. As will a few more changes.
More than ever, The Front Porch is about connection to the core. Your core.
The paint is dry. So step onto the front porch. And begin the journey!
Today’s post is the featured article from the September 2013 issue of The Front Porch Newsletter. If you would like to automatically receive The Front Porch e-newsletter on the last Thursday of each month just click here to sign-up for your complimentary subscription.