Aren’t personal core values…personal?
On the surface, the answer would seem to be “yes!” And that assumption is precisely why organizational values have fallen significantly short of their true potential. In an organization, I would suggest the answer to the question is both yes AND no.
Core values are both personal and systemic in an organization. No one leaves their personal core values at the door when they begin their work. Our personal core values systemically impact everyone around us … good or bad. And if bad enough, can ultimately impact everyone in the organization. This is especially true when it’s a leader at the top. It can destroy an entire organization…and that becomes very personal for a lot of people. More importantly, the opposite is also true too. And that becomes personally rewarding individually and collectively.
No one leaves their personal core values at the door when they begin their work. Share on X
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Core values demonstrated through action in the private sector breed excellence. Unfortunately today, you cannot look for leadership or core values from our national political leaders. But, as business leaders, we can strive to cultivate strong morals and values by making and acting on our decisions based on our core beliefs. Be willing to suffer the short-term consequences of decisions. Over the long haul, right is might.
Sam … Thanks for sharing your thoughts! So true. I would say every arena … political, spiritual and the private sector … each have their examples of downfall. And each have the potential to define, embrace and live core values … breeding the excellence you noted!!
Your non-dualistic both/and shines thru. You are spot on! I have noted how my cracked and imperfect personal values have caused harm and injury both fiscally and personally to others on my job. My missteps due to failing/drifting values are still very memorable and painful. On the positive side, strong personal values have won the day/crisis in many other events over 25+ years at my current job