OK, I got a bit behind on my daily blogging of gratitude … but my 7th card of gratitude went out today!! It is amazing when you get intentional about sharing a word of gratitude day after day … you get into a rythmn of gratitude. You begin to see so much more minute-by-minute for which you can be grateful.
Today I was grateful for a great Advent message of being a peaceMAKER rather than a peaceKEEPER. There is a difference. Keeping something means to maintain. To MAKE something means to create something where is doesn't already exist.
It is easy to have gratitude for those who are kind to us and go out of their way to be there for us. As we continue the journey of the "Twelve Days of Gratitude" it might make sense to raise the bar and think of a relationship that is particularly challenging. Look into that relationship long enough until you can find something meaningful in the relationship for which you can be truly grateful.
Go out and MAKE this a great week!