Intentionally Fragile

Intentionally Fragile

I was reviewing the file of our annual Christmas Letters this week. It seemed that the timeless closing paragraph of our Christmas 2000 might make for a thoughtful blog for this week: “As we were decorating our tree last week…the inevitable happened. Someone dropped...
Investment Analysis

Investment Analysis

I was recently talking with a friend who was struggling with how he was going to find the time and discipline to do a daily analysis of how he was doing in living his core values. I had suggested taking about 10 minutes a day to review his day through the lens of the...
Subtle Impact

Subtle Impact

This past week, I have been working with a client as they prepare for a major annual meeting. The focus of the meeting is simply … Impact. I have been surrounded by that word for a few days now. You might say that this immersion has had an impact on me. Or, at least,...
A Sight Unseen

A Sight Unseen

A decade ago, following the surprising experience of suffering a detached retina, I would often recall that experience by saying: “when you must keep your eyes closed for several days in a row … it’s amazing what you’ll see!” It was, and is, a paradoxical truth. I...
A Mixed Recipe

A Mixed Recipe

Nothing is ever as bad as it might first appear. Nor are other things actually as good as they initially appear or claim to be. Especially at first glance. I trust this holds true regardless of organization, position or person. Their mixture of good or bad…helpful or...