I believe one of the great benefits of truly knowing your own core values is the natural progression from there to a natural interest in the core values of others. Not to judge them but rather to better understand them.
I would go so far to say that this understanding eventually evolves to a deeper sense of empathy with them.
A well-intended organizational mission toward ever-increasing efficiency has robbed “empathy” from the hallways of many corporations, medical systems and even religious institutions alike. Some of my own recent experiences have shown me what efficiency without empathy feels like … as well as the incredible experience that is created when the two are combined.
This is an issue that has great implications on the core of both individuals and organizations. It has given me pause to ponder and discern this very issue. So much so, that I will plan to come back to this one in more detail in the December issue of my DIG DEEP newsletter.
In the meantime, I would love for you to share your comments, below, about any of your own experiences … when efficiency totally smothered out empathy or when engaged empathy infused a richer efficiency.