How watchful were you?
If followers were not so good at watching, a leader could dictate rather than lead. It might have impact but little potential. Followers can be good at judging and are even better at mimicking what they see. If they see their leader’s core is an inch deep and a mile wide, they will develop a core…you guessed it…an inch deep and a mile wide.
My biggest fear for leaders is that they will forget how much they used to watch others in the earliest days of their career. The great inconvenience of leadership is the fact that everyone is watching. They are watching consciously and subconsciously. What they see and don’t see matters, and it matters a lot! We forget that in at least one way, leadership is monkey business.
The great inconvenience of leadership is the fact that everyone is watching. Share on X
In the comments below, share an example of who you watched in the earliest part of your career and how it made a difference…for better or worse!