
At the Simple Truths’ Warehouse on the eve of the official release of “GOOD to the CORE”

Last night we returned from Spring Break Vacation.  And when I say returned … I mean transitioned!  Yesterday morning at 10:00am we were on the sunny beaches of Fort Myers FL.  At 10:00pm last night we were driving home from the airport in a strong snow storm in Chicago.  We woke up to more than two-inches of snow on the ground this morning with snow clinging to every branch of every tree.  It would have been a beautiful site a few days before Christmas (rather than days before Easter!).

In the end, the weather was only a minor piece of the transition I noticed as I started back to work today.  Last week, as we were in lazy vacation mode, we were strolling through the somewhat redundant gift shops on Ft. Myers Beach.  I commented to my daughter, Julie, about the nature of so much of the merchandise … whether it was quotes on a T-shirt, or a plaque, or a beach towel, or a shot glass, or anything else that didn’t move!  I said, “everywhere you look, everything is down-grading, derogatory, negative … or simply celebrating lazy (as in beyond relaxing … to downright lazy!)”  Julie laughed, as she agreed.  And I have to admit, on the surface, many of the quotes, slogans and sayings were pretty funny.  What is not so funny is, more than we would like to think, this merchandise reflects de-motivating stimulation for those who need it the least!

As I sat in the warehouse of Simple Truths today, I realized I had experienced another complete transition from the nature of these beach gift shops.  Simple Truths shares a warehouse with Successories.  Between these two organizations, I was sitting in the world headquarters of the motivational merchandise of this universe!  I was there to sign hundreds of copies of my new book GOOD to the CORE which is being officially released tomorrow (Tuesday, April 7th).  Having been surrounded by negative merchandise on the beautiful beaches of Ft. Myers, I had a new appreciation for the important work that is done by the wonderful people at Simple Truths and Successories.

I know the hardworking people of Despair Inc would disagree, since they promote Demotivators … increasing success by lowering expectations! When the economy turns (although I would imagine Despair Inc. would think it never will), they might want to go on an acquisition spree.  I could point them to a bunch of beach shops that would compliment their line of goods … and thinking!

On this eve of the launch of my new book GOOD to the CORE, I am grateful to Mac Anderson and Simple Truths for their encouragement and partnership in publishing what I hope will inspire each of us to build value through values!

It is always good to go on vacation … but in the end, it is good to return home!