
When was the last time you received genuine service?

Service is not a methodology. Service methodologies work well for machines. A mechanical form of service works well in an ATM or on a well thought-out website. But it doesn’t work well for humans unless, of course, you want to turn them into robots, which is precisely what we have done to “service” in many organizations.  

I’m amazed at how much we notice a genuine moment of great service. Some can’t remember the last time they received genuine service because it’s been so long. Others remember it clearly because it’s so rare.

Genuine service is an expression of both personal and organizational core values. Genuine service is not a duty; it’s an opportunity. It is not a commodity; it’s a connection.

Ironically, the person served most by providing genuine service is the person providing the service.  It nourishes a deeper sense of authentic engagement. It becomes quite a systematic and synergistic process!

Genuine service is an expression of both personal and organizational core values. Click To Tweet

Share a genuine service experience – and a core value possibly behind it – in the comments below!